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Rant: G.I. Joe

  Rod: Barry, you have to remember that Gomer Pyle was a comedy. G.I. Joe is a drama, so they go for a different look. Barry: I don’t know about that comedy part. When Sgt. Carter started yelling at Gomer, he was not going for laughs. Rod: No, you are missing the point. He yelled, […]

Rant: Smurf

  Barry: There you go again! Rod: Hmmm……..I wonder where you can get one of those costumes, whatever Smurfs are. Barry: ROD! Rod: You say something? Barry: Yeah! I said there you go again!!! Rod: Hey, I’ve always liked females and human ones are so HOT! Barry: But do you have to go chasing after […]

Rant: Secret Sci-Fi Identities

  Rod: And what do you mean by that crack? Barry: There is no way our appearance isn’t conspicuous! Rod: Well, let’s look around at our surroundings……….check out the guy at the video table. Barry: He must be really searching intensely….look at all the wrinkles on his brow! Rod: Dummy! He’s a Klingon! Barry: Oh […]

Rant: Survivor

  Rod: Just a few insect bites? Is that what Earth people call danger? Barry: People are in more danger making a horror movie than this! Rod: Heck, they are in more danger walking down a typical street. Barry: And people call this Earth show, Survivor. That other network’s show was more dangerous than this! […]

Rant: Golden Snitch

  Barry: If this costume is so cool, why didn’t you wear it? Rod: Not many people can pull off that costume. You look great! Barry: Nope….not buying that line, and I’m not going out like this. Forget it! Rod: Well…here. Try this costume. <Rod pulls out a box from the closet and hands it […]

Rant: Rod’s Matrix

  Barry: Knock you out??? Are you out of your intergalactic mind??? It has taken me days to wake you up. Rod: I know. It’s all your fault!! Barry: My fault? Slow down there, Rip Van Rod and let’s talk about this. Rod: What is there to talk about? You ruined my beautiful dream! Barry: […]

Rant: Bootleggin

<A short while after the events above…> Barry: That’s what you get for basing what you think of Earth’s law enforcement from what you see on TV. Rod: But the shows seem so accurate about life on this planet, I thought they were correct about that. Barry: There you go with the “historical records” bit […]

Rant: Wii

Rod: You’re going down, dude Barry: That will be the day. Rod: Whatcha gonna do when Rodamania runs all over you? Barry: Can you smell what the Barry is cooking? Rod: I am so going to smash you. Barry: Not before I give you a nap! Rod: Get up from that one! Barry: Get up […]

Rant: Politics

  Rod: What, you mean the government on this planet WANTS to confuse everyone and get people to do contradictory things? Barry: Well, the first problem with your question is that there are a lot more than just one government on this planet, and they don’t all get along with each other. Rod: That’s just […]

Rant: The Pursuit

  Rod: That’s right! We must continue our Trek to get that toy, just like the crew of the Enterprise continues their mission. Barry: Rod, it’s just a toy, it’s not our lives. Rod: Well, we wouldn’t be in this mess if you had not given the Supreme Overlord ours! Barry: Look, if you want […]

Rod & Barry Plush Set