Barry: Has your logic center totally failed?
Rod: What do you mean by that crack?
Barry: That book is legendary!
Rod: Yeah…a legendary joke! This doesn’t help you travel the galaxy.
Barry: Whoever said it did? It is an amazing story!
Rod: Okay, give me the short, short version without ruining the ending for me.
Barry: Well, it is the tale of a human who is rescued before the Earth was destroyed by a Vogon Destructor fleet.
Rod: The Vogons?
Barry: Yeah. Well, the human and his sidekick, Ford Prefect…
Rod: Ford????
Barry: That’s right. They first hitch a ride on a Vogon ship…
Rod: Uh oh. My uncle used to tell me stories about Vogons.
Barry: And they get read Vogon poetry by the ship’s captain.
Rod: Don’t scare me like that! Their poetry inspires nightmares.
Barry: They get throw off the ship and then…
Rod: Wait…don’t…you’ll ruin it for me…oh the heck with it, does it have it?
Barry: What do you mean ‘it’?
Rod: You know what I mean…..does the book contain it?
Barry: I can’t tell you….you said don’t ruin it for you.
Rod: Give me a hint!
Barry: Okay…42.
<Rod sits down and starts to read>
Barry: I thought you were going to take it back.
Rod: Barry, you know me better than that.
Barry: Okay, my turn…what do you mean by that crack?
Rod: You know how I love to read History!