Rod: Man, didn’t you see what it did to those two guys in that movie?
Barry: But I thought this would make me more beautiful!
Rod: Plastic surgery can’t do that, only a miracle worker!
Barry: Like one of those guys on TV on Sunday morning?
Rod: Right now, I think you are even beyond them.
Barry: Thanks a lot, Nerf ball!
Rod: Barry, you should have talked to me before doing this!
Barry: I should have tried a human dentist. What they call a root canal couldn’t hurt this bad!
Rod: Seriously, you need to watch Insurrection again. Those two kept having the surgery again and again and look what happened to them.
Barry: I totally forgot about them.
Rod: And remember the scene in Escape From LA where Snake was captured by a plastic surgery cult?
Barry: You mean the one where all the women looked like each other and and their faces were mangled?
Rod: That’s the one.
Barry: But they had so many procedures they wound up that way. I had only one.
Rod: Because you aren’t human, one may be all it took.
Barry: Thanks, you really know how to make me feel worse.
Rod: But hey, I can give you one bit of good news.
Barry: I could use it. What is the good news?
Rod: If they decide to make another Mummy movie, you can try out for the title role. They could pay you more as they would save a bundle on makeup!