Rod: Romantic?? Are you out of your mind????
Barry: I think it is very romantic.
Rod: There wasn’t a romantic letter in that entire note!
Barry: Yes there was and it got me right here! <points to heart>
Rod: Did you listen to the note I read to you?
Barry: Yes I did.
Rod: Did you hear where she want us to get the Earth scouted out for destruction?
Barry: Sadly, yes.
Rod: Did you hear where she said if we didn’t she’d cut our hearts out?
Barry: Absolutely.
Rod: And give our hearts to her Tilaxian dogs for Breakfast?
Barry: Loud and clear!
Rod: And you still think that was romantic?
Barry: It most certainly was!
Rod: And where did you get your sense of romance…..Earth’s Marquis de Sade?
Barry: Of course not.
Rod: Okay, I give up! Show me where she was romantic.
Barry: Two reasons: first, she has a strong love for her dogs! Most owners throw the bodies to them and make the dogs dig the heart out.
Rod: I’m scared to hear the second one.
Barry: Second, she showed she cares for us deeply!
Rod: Where in that note of death did you see that?
Barry: Normally, instead of cutting out hearts, she throws her victims to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal!