<A very ill Rod returns in a little while>
Barry: Did that help?
Rod: Just a little bit, but not much.
Barry: I thought after last month’s problem, you had learned your lesson.
Rod: Don’t remind me!
Barry: You ate all those carrots because of something Bugs Bunny said. Are you EVER going to learn?
Rod: I still say my eyesight is better.
Barry: And so is the grocer’s bank account!
Rod: But this looked so good! Popeye eats a can, his muscles bulge out, and he clobbers the bad guy.
Barry: Why didn’t you stop when your muscles didn’t swell up after the first can.
Rod: I thought maybe it took more for us since we aren’t from Earth.
Barry: But a whole case?
Rod: I thought sure that would work.
Barry: Oh, I can see it’s working alright.
Rod: Well, after all the people on TV talking about consuming a more healthy diet, I was trying to follow their advice.
Barry: If you are going to do that, you have to stop eating all those candy bars and snacks.
Rod: Don’t talk about food right now.
Barry: And you have to quit getting those three large order of fries with your hamburgers.
Rod: Please don’t……
Barry: And you have to start eating salads instead of instead of some of the junk food.
Rod: Salads…….lettuce……GREEN!
<Rod is out of the room at breakneck speed>
Barry: <chuckles and sings> He’s ill at the finish, he ate too much spinach, Popeye the Sailor he’s not!