<A few hours later Rod returns>
Rod: What a joke!
Barry: What do you mean?
Rod: Those reality shows are nothing of the sort! Chicks dodged me like I had the flu!
Barry: Rod, I could have told you that.
Rod: How come?
Barry: You didn’t dress like a cop in the reality shows, you dressed like Robocop.
Rod: Uh oh…..he’s not real?
Barry: That’s right! And I’ve got one more news flash for you…..
Rod: Let me guess….those weren’t…
Rod and Barry <together>: reality shows.
Barry: The light of truth is dawning on you.
Rod: So you mean Law and Order, the CSI shows, all of those are fake?
Barry: Down to the last badge.
Rod: Even NCIS?
Barry: Down to Doctor Ducky’s last feather!
Rod: He doesn’t have feathers. But he does remind me of someone I saw on an old show we watched, like he was someone’s UNCLE or something.
Barry: True.
Rod: And there are no Robocops? Well that partially explains this evening.
Barry: What part?
Rod: Well two strange things kept happening. First was all the laughs and questions about where was the convention.
Barry: Okay, that would explain those but what was the other?
Rod: People kept looking for a pedal, to raise my lid, whatever that means.